What are you currently reading?

I have started reading the first volume of Tokyo Ghoul. I was a fan of the anime series, but I'd heard countless times how much it ran off the rails (I liked the second season, personally). I'm interested in seeing how things are for it.
I'm still reading "Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee.

Don't know if I've posted that I'm reading that or not.
Man, just found a book resource online chock full of useful math knowledge for computer rendering. Put it on my Nook as soon as I saw it from a search. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics.
I'm reading Alex Ferguson: My Autobiography. Finally decided to read his book - My greatest Manchester United manager of all time.
Hands-On Unity 2021 Game Development Second Edition from one of my Humble Book bundles.
I decided to pick up Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. It was recommended by a friend.
The month of July has been a busy one but I read a book on finance known as the Richest Man in Babylon.
I picked up The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li last week. Started reading it yesterday.