Thoughts on working from home?


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For people who work in an office setting every day (i.e, sit in front of a PC for 8 hours a day), do you think companies should allow work from home or not? I see a lot of companies trying to push people back into the office and ending remote work.
Well if i were i did choose to work from office rather than from home because you get people to talk and makes work progress efficient and moreover you don't feel alone like you were the only person working
If I was President/PM I would give tax breaks to companies that allow work from home for their employees. It literally has so many advantages. It reduces rents in commercial areas, it reduces commute time and so emissions, it makes the roads less congested, employees have more disposable income......
Back to office policies are only because of incompetent managers who can't do the job.
For people who work in an office setting every day (i.e, sit in front of a PC for 8 hours a day), do you think companies should allow work from home or not? I see a lot of companies trying to push people back into the office and ending remote work.

Theyre only ending remote work for most because it was a pandemic thing, and since the pandemic is over I agree with making them go back into the office.

That being said, I cant stand not being at work for more than an extended period at time so no I wouldnt work from home, as tempting as it is.
No schedules will be there who work from home major issue

Most people that worked from home were already on a set schedule to begin with, as it was mainly office work.
Most people that worked from home were already on a set schedule to begin with, as it was mainly office work.
Not all companies following it then, if we don't set your work schedules in priority then we have to work overtime.
Not every company follows the set schedules, either in or out of work. Overtime is required sometimes.
I think they should give people the option. If they are more productive at home than at the office, then they may opt for work at home.
But honestly, as much as work can be a chore, it is a social aspect of lives. Less distractions.
I'm fine with working from home. It takes the proper time and place, and not many jobs can offer it. Sometimes the management gets bothered, and sometimes the employee needs to be watched if they are new on the job or inexperienced.