Have you upgraded to a PS5?


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I did upgrade from my PS4 to a PS5, but my gaming got out of control, so I had to sell it. I am probably going to pick up a PS5 pro when they come out, as long as I am able to control myself between now and then. How about you? Have you upgraded to a PS5?
We still have a PS4 at the moment that never gets touched and we have not felt the need to upgrade to the PS5 with us all having Xboxes at the moment.

I have heard the PS5 is a very powerful console though.
I did last year, and it gets as much love as my Xbox and Switch do lol.
Switch, XboxX and Ps5 Harem Waifus lol:


Then don't read the specs, lol. :rofl: I know for sure that the graphics card is going to be twice as fast as the PS5. Which is the main reason that I want one.

But it will not magically double frame rates in CPU-limited games, from tweaktown, digital foundry and
well-known hardware expert Kepler:

"If GTA 6 is 30 FPS on PS5 it's probably 30 FPS on PS5 Pro too. I imagine the game will be quite CPU heavy and the CPU upgrade on the Pro is rather small."

"In real terms, those hoping that PS5 Pro will turn CPU-limited 30fps titles into super-smooth 60fps experiences will be disappointed. With that said, the 3.85GHz mode will bring greater stability to 30fps games that may not be hitting their frame-rate target when CPU limited - and yes, we have started to see those titles.

"And if the one percent impact to GPU performance is verified, that's not really an issue in the age of dynamic resolution scaling. There'll be an imperceptible reduction in rendering resolution and that's it. If a game is CPU limited, the GPU will stall and will lose far more performance anyway."
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Yes, I've upgraded to Playstation 5. I was able to nick it before it went out of stock for a while back then. I was so happy to get mine earlier.