Get your books from?


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Where do you get your literature from?

Do you shop at a bookstore? Or do you utilize the library?
I've done some reading at both. I prefer a bookstore for more relevant stuff, but a library is better for older or well-known stuff.
I tend to go to the library if I want to read a book but I'm unsure if I'll like it or not.

Otherwise, I'll tend to go to the bookstore and buy it because I know I won't be on a time limit and have to end up returning it.
Mostly the library. It's rare I buy a book outright. If I do, it will be on Ebay where I can find better deals. I always make sure they are new & ask questions on the condition of the book.
I usually use a Library to borrow books to save money.

There are people that have to do it this way because they're already pinching pennies enough to get all their bills paid. And then they usually don't have enough money in the end to buy anything extra.