US Government Has Formed a UFO Task Force


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The U.S. Government recently announced the formation of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, AOIMSG for short, as an official government-run agency devoted to UFOs. The release statement expressed the group's intent to "synchronize efforts across the U.S. government" towards detecting and identifying unidentified flying objects. The AOIMSG will be designed to identify and assess any potential threat posed by the UFOs to national security, as well as addressing challenges with identifying the objects near official training grounds.

The U.S. Government has taken a noted interest in UFOs and outer space over the last two years. In late 2019, the U.S. Government officially established the 'Space Force', also referred to as Guardians, as a space-focused branch of the United States military. The Space Force serves as a successor to the U.S. Air Force's previously established space program, with the program often working alongside the U.S. government's other space-focused branch, NASA, in the study of outer space.

The U.S. Government recently announced the formation of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, AOIMSG for short, as an official government-run agency devoted to UFOs. The release statement expressed the group's intent to "synchronize efforts across the U.S. government" towards detecting and identifying unidentified flying objects. The AOIMSG will be designed to identify and assess any potential threat posed by the UFOs to national security, as well as addressing challenges with identifying the objects near official training grounds.

The U.S. Government has taken a noted interest in UFOs and outer space over the last two years. In late 2019, the U.S. Government officially established the 'Space Force', also referred to as Guardians, as a space-focused branch of the United States military. The Space Force serves as a successor to the U.S. Air Force's previously established space program, with the program often working alongside the U.S. government's other space-focused branch, NASA, in the study of outer space.
Interesting honestly
Quite interesting but it does make you think about how much money is just wasted on silly things like this. Do they really need a UFO task force?
It is interesting that the US is investigating UFO. I wonder if the task force will be able to figure out where the UFOs came from, and who are flying them.
I mean it's funny to think about the fact they made a UFO task force, but at the same time it's painful to think how much taxpayer money they wasted on this. Unless the government really knows something we don't and the whole Area 51 alien thing isn't a bunch of phooey.
I mean it's funny to think about the fact they made a UFO task force, but at the same time it's painful to think how much taxpayer money they wasted on this. Unless the government really knows something we don't and the whole Area 51 alien thing isn't a bunch of phooey.
Tbh the civilian definition of UFO’s and the military’s definition of UFO’s are different. The military follows the literal definition of “unidentified flying object” whereas for civilians 99.9% of the time UFO’s = aliens. Most governments want to know what the hell is flying in their skies and where they came from for obvious security purposes.
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This is more than just interesting. Especially since they don't believe in that UFO's and stuff exist.
Tbh the civilian definition of UFO’s and the military’s definition of UFO’s are different. The military follows the literal definition of “unidentified flying object” whereas for civilians 99.9% of the time UFO’s = aliens. Most governments want to know what the hell is flying in their skies and where they came from for obvious security purposes.
Oh yeah, I guess the definition does get a little muddled. It can also refer to an unknown plane from another country or something like that.
Tbh the civilian definition of UFO’s and the military’s definition of UFO’s are different. The military follows the literal definition of “unidentified flying object” whereas for civilians 99.9% of the time UFO’s = aliens. Most governments want to know what the hell is flying in their skies and where they came from for obvious security purposes.
Yup this.

I mean it's funny to think about the fact they made a UFO task force, but at the same time it's painful to think how much taxpayer money they wasted on this. Unless the government really knows something we don't and the whole Area 51 alien thing isn't a bunch of phooey.

Area 51 is nothing more than a place for testing, researching and developing new fighter planes and military planes. Nevada's airspace is the main US Air Force Combat Pilot training air (and ground) space too and thus it's common for the so called "UFO" sightings in the area. There are a lot of "weird" looking prototype fighter planes that can be considered "alien" looking being tested there. The alien conspiracy theories stuff of Area 51 are just pure nonsense lol.
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Tbh the civilian definition of UFO’s and the military’s definition of UFO’s are different. The military follows the literal definition of “unidentified flying object” whereas for civilians 99.9% of the time UFO’s = aliens. Most governments want to know what the hell is flying in their skies and where they came from for obvious security purposes.

one would think they would know something already and not need for a task force unless its meant as a distraction?
I used to live in Colorado Springs, and the Cheyenne Mountain conspiracies are more interesting than what actually goes on there. "It restricts access for civilians, clearly there are aliens". I mean... all US bases restrict access to civilians...

Can't have people naruto running into it and taking pics :p
Task force huh. Is this more useful than things other government agencies already do in the US?
This kind of makes me think that the military and the government think that UFO's exist since they have created it's own task force.

I would think that if they were going to create such a task force, that it would be something that they would keep quiet since they seem to say that that stuff isn't real to begin with.
This kind of makes me think that the military and the government think that UFO's exist since they have created it's own task force.

I would think that if they were going to create such a task force, that it would be something that they would keep quiet since they seem to say that that stuff isn't real to begin with.
Well, like I mentioned earlier in the thread, the military's definition of UFO follows the literal definition of "unidentified flying object", as opposed to the civilian meaning of alien spaceships, so it's probably just surveilance of what other aircraft is flying around. So it's possible that there's suspicious aircraft flying around in US air space.