New York Times Wants ChatGPT Destroyed


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The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement on Wednesday, asking that ChatGPT be destroyed, along with any other large language models and training sets that have used The Times’ work without payment.

This is the first major media organization to sue the creators of ChatGPT, and the ruling could set a precedent for fair use laws around AI moving forward. The lawsuit alleges OpenAI and Microsoft trained AI models on copyrighted data from The New York Times. What’s more, it claims that ChatGPT and Bing Chat often reproduce long, verbatim copies of The New York Times articles. This allows ChatGPT users to bypass The New York Times paywall, and the lawsuit claims generative AI is now a competitor to newspapers as a source of reliable information. The New York Times lawsuit aims to hold the companies accountable for “billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages” and seeks the destruction “of all GPT or other LLM models and training sets that incorporate Times Works.”

OpenAI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to Gizmodo’s request for comment.

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I felt ChatGPT and Microsoft should of ask for permission to use New York Times articles before using articles for the New York Times in ChatGPT. I wonder if any ChatGPT workers will get punished by ChatGPT and MS because the workers choose to use New York Times articles to in ChatGPT, or did not tell ChatGPT AI to not use NYT articles .
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What do people think of the outcome?
It's called Respect. Simply asking for Permission. Be transparent. Those attributes can go far in businesses.
I hope whatever happens, that the humans who have jobs will still be okay.
The New York Times asking for respect is hilarious though.
Hopefully, workers working at ChatGPT will be able to quickly find new jobs if the New York Times is successful at destroying ChatGPT in the future.